changes everything
Embrace a transformative solution tailored to the complexities of workers’ compensation.
changes everything
Embrace a transformative solution tailored to the complexities of workers’ compensation.

Bring Efficiency and Transparency
to Work Comp Medical Management
Amazon revolutionized the way consumers shop, raising the bar for selection, pricing options, delivery, speed, and self-service simplicity. These same principles can be applied in workers’ compensation to transform the way ancillary care services are delivered. With the right partner, you can achieve:

To discover how to leverage the Amazon Effect and transformative technology in your program, download our thought leadership articles.
Meet VISION™ and VISION™ Marketplace
Just as Amazon modernized retail shopping experiences, Rising has transformed ancillary care services coordination. By unifying ancillary care service providers under one portal platform and vetting them on speed of delivery, competitive pricing, and quality factors, claims professionals can access powerful technology to make their lives easier.
With VISION™ Marketplace for ancillary care services, payers benefit by:
- Accelerating the speed of innovation
- Minimizing IT resource needs
- Leveraging increased partner buying power
- Increasing staff program compliance
- Reducing portal fatigue & administrative burden on claims staff
- Accessing the best-matched provider for every referral
- Eliminating siloed reporting and visibility
- Enhancing medical management decision-making
Ready to Unleash the Power of the Amazon Effect?
You can streamline work comp care management and improve claims professional satisfaction. Discover how by downloading our newest thought leadership articles.